I'm a little worried about my students that tell me they have free reign in the household to get food whenever they like.
I could very well be old-school, however there's real advantages to having rules that your kids ask before diving into getting food:
- it's never too late to learn manners about asking for things
- it reminds your kids that while they are a wonderful addition to the house, it is your house with your rules and they need to live within it
- it reminds kids that food is a resource and you have bought specific items to make for meals. If they are eaten the plan is ruined
- it stops kids from over snacking and spoiling meals with the family
- it stops kids from eating junk food over good food.
Having your kids- even teens- ask about food gives you a better sense of what they are eating and when. Having healthy opportunities means you can also give them choices they wouldn't normally grab
There are a couple articles that talk to this
Protect your Kids from Teen Locusts
Should Kids Help Themselves to Food?
Break Your Kids Bad Food Habits
Parents Must Stop Children Helping Themselves from Fridge |